
We've recently delivered another combination sewer cleaning unit to a customer who works in sewer cl

Our contractor customer who works on sewer cleaning operations in Istanbul and Antalya has recently

Water tanker deliveries for Iraq continues.

We've delivered another tractor mounted with our snow plow along with Meyer BL400 salt spreader.

Turkish Parliament preferred TDI Engineering's solution Meyer BL400 salt spreader to be mounted on t

Hamur Municipality has preferred our snow plow for their Volvo BL71 backhoe loader.

Meyer Drive Pro snow plow delivered for Turkish Parliament's main campus.

Tractor mounted salt spreader Meyer BL400 is delivered to our customer in Istanbul.

2 units water tankers are delivered to our customer in Iraq.

We've delivered another snow plow for a contractor company works on snow cleaning operations in Anka

Kafkas University has chosen our company to equip their BMC dump truck with a snow plow. We thank th

Afyonkarahisar City Administration has chosen us to strengthen their winter maintenance fleet. Mount

To be more efficient and modern with their winter maintenance operations , Emirdag Municipality has

Our municipalities are preparing for winter maintenance operations prior to heavy snow falls begin.

We've supplied 1 unit HPA3000 snow plow for Davulga Municipality ( Afyonkarahisar). Hydraulically dr

Mounted on Iveco 180E28 truck chassis, our combined sewer cleaning trucks are delivered to our forei

We've delivered one unit capacity of 16.000 Lt. water tanker truck to our customer in Iraq. Water ta

We've produced another water storage tanker for our customer who ordered the same 2 units in last Ju

TDI Engineering and Machinery produced and delivered 2 units truck mounted hydraulic road sweeper fo

2 units capacity of 20.000 Lt. above-ground steel water storage tanks are delivered to our customer

We've recently delivered another hydraulic power unit and hydraulic cylinder for our customer who pr

We've delivered another hydraulic power unit for our customer who produces concrete block machines ,

Hydraulically driven front mounted road sweeper machine is attached to a light truck chassis in orde

TDI continues to provide complete system solutions to different application areas. Another hydraulic

Our latest and high performance combined sewer cleaner truck with a tank capacity of 14.000 lt., 400

We've delivered another water tanker for one of our customers who has many dam and road construction

Capacity of 4 m³ salt spreader , delivered to its new municipality owners after mounting it to the

TDI provided 1 unit snow plough for Mercedes Unimog 1300L owned by a military base in Ankara after g

We've produced and delivered one unit width of 2400 mm. helix spring type snow plough to our custome